"PortfolioIA" and "MoneyMap" and "3Twelve Total Bond" are trademarks. All strategies, models, adaptations, and products created from said intellectual property are the sole ownership of Andrew D Martin.
This web site is intended to provide general information about PortfolioIA. It is not intended to offer investment advice. Information regarding investment products and services are provided solely to read about our investment philosophy, our strategies and to be able to contact us for further information. Market data, articles and other content on this web site are based on generally-available information and are believed to be reliable. Neither Andrew D Martin, nor PortfolioIA guarantees the accuracy of the information contained in this web site. The information is of a general nature and should not be construed as investment advice.
PortfolioIA will provide all prospective advisory clients with a copy of Silver Oak Securities' current Form ADV, Part 2 prior to commencing an Advisory relationship. Existing clients will receive a copy on an annual basis. However, at anytime, you can view our current Form ADV, Part 2. In addition, you can contact us to request a hardcopy. If you have any questions regarding Compliance and Regulatory information, please contact us at contact@portfolioIA.com.